Fairway Styles Rebrand
THE ASK: Make a recommendation for how Fairway Styles (an online-only, fashionable golf apparel brand) can transition from a transactional business into a magnetic brand that stands out from the category. Present recommendations to the client.
THE SITUATION: An increase in trend-focused golf retailers has caused Fairway Styles to lose its competitive edge, resulting in decreased sales.
THE GOAL: Set Fairway Styles apart from other retailers in a way that is meaningful to the consumer.
WHO WE ARE: Fairway Styles is fun but not tacky, refined but not stuck up, trendy but not swanky; we are jocks, not jerks. We are golf-focused but not golf-exclusive.
TARGET: Current sales volume is coming from 32-45 year-old males, many of whom belong to country clubs. We personified our target as "the light-hearted gentleman."
The Light-hearted Gentleman:
He honors his responsibilities but also knows how to have a good time. He recognizes the "rules of the game" but is confident enough to do things his own way. He never misses a deadline or a tee time. He is responsible with his money but doesn't mind spending more for higher quality.
He aspires to have an effortlessly cool look, but sometimes needs help putting different pieces together. That's where we come in.
BRAND PURPOSE: Fairway Styles exists to encourage self-expression on and off the course.
INSIGHT: By utilizing statement pieces, the modern man can give off a sense of being put-together but also fun.
STRATEGY: Fairway Styles is the catalyst for unexpected cool.
Creative Mockups: WEbsite
Putting the About Us page at the forefront will allow new site visitors to learn about the company more quickly. This is also an area where the Fairway Styles owners have an opportunity to put their own personality into the brand when telling the story of how the company got started.
By having the company's owners review products, the Fairway Styles team can leverage its unique point of view to create a deeper connection and build trust with consumers, as well as add value to the brand.
Making outfit suggestions can help upsell and encourage customers to shop new brands within the Fairway Styles site that they haven't bought before.
Fairway Styles was founded in 2007. The Fairway Styles 10th Anniversary Lookbook will serve as a celebration of the company. Lookbooks will be mailed to customers whose contact information is in the Fairway Styles database. The lookbook will show them upcoming styles for 2017 and will encourage them to shop again if they haven't shopped recently.
The Fairway Styles digital lookbook can live on the Fairway Styles website and can come out seasonally. This allows the company to push new clothing items and gain sales even if it isn't golf weather or there isn't a big tournament coming up. It also gives the brand the ability to showcase its personality through comments and quotes within the digital lookbook.
In order to streamline social media posts, we recommend that Fairway Styles stick to three different kinds of posts to promote itself:
STYLE POSTS: These posts relate to products whether it's an outfit combination Fairway Styles loves or a new shipment of products.
NEWS POSTS: These posts relate to golf news, current events, or exciting things taking place at Fairway Styles that don't necessarily align with a specific product.
UNEXPECTED POSTS: These are posts that entertain. Whether a joke or a funny picture, they all are within the realm of golf.
Additionally, using Facebook Carousel ads allows Fairway Styles to show off a product that can be worn many ways, exemplifying its versatility.
Fairway Styles branded socks can serve as the first branded merchandise. Given the strategy "Fairway Styles is the catalyst for unexpected cool," these socks will serve as statement pieces. We recommend starting out with a few bright colors and patterns to pop with neutral outfits. Fairway Styles also has the opportunity to do a promo with the branded socks by giving some away for free to promote buzz.
In addition to socks, Fairway Styles branded koozies can be included in packages when customers place orders. This emphasizes the "on the course/off the course" goal of the brand and gives customers a fun freebie.
team members:
Afia Boakye, Strategy
Carly Harrison, Strategy
Melissa Jackson, Strategy
Hunter Kelly, Strategy
Nick Koutris, Creative Brand Management
Alex Robinson, Creative Brand Management
Melissa Jackson, Strategist